Posts tagged entry-level
The Benefits of Hiring Recent Graduates

As an HR professional, I am sure you are very aware of the long and arduous process of finding the perfect candidate to fill a position. Reading resumes, going over applications, checking in with references, interviewing, running background checks and so on are tasks that take a long time and keep you from focusing on other important responsibilities. It's a long process and we all wish we didn’t have to do it so often. Depending on the level of turnover at your company, some might be doing this more often than others. Is there a way to make this process easier? Does focusing on entry-level candidates help the process? Many employers believe that hiring experienced professionals is the smartest thing to do because they don’t need as much guidance or training, they have already worked in professional settings, and they know what they need to do in order to get things done in a timely manner. Whatever the reason may be, employers tend to prefer hiring experienced professionals rather than entry-level professionals. What employers need to realize is that there are many pros to hiring entry-level candidates over experienced professionals.

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