AAB Payroll Inc

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Nine Steps to Selecting Talent (Infographic)

Though it's true the promise of a new (or promoted) co-worker can bring a fresh wave of energy to a team, it also has the potential to result in an unfortunate disaster that wastes time, energy, and finances.

 If you are in any way involved in the hiring process, you understand the decision you're about to make can have serious implications on the culture of your department--and your organization as a whole. The person you ultimately select is going to impact the workplace regardless of who they are, their qualifications, and their past experiences.

Though your role in this process may seem daunting, the stress of hiring is also accompanied with the excitement of meeting new prospects and discovering the next potential leaders of your organization. You are at the forefront of inviting people to use their talents to strengthen your organization's impact on the community.

While hiring the right person isn't exactly a walk in the park, we've created the infographic below to assist you in the hiring process and help you work towards ensuring the best and brightest prospects are making it into your office.