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The Developing Role of Human Resources

The role of HR Professional is so much more than it used to be; it seems like every day there is a new policy change to keep up with or a new regulation put in place. In the past year alone we’ve seen the ACA go into effect, minimum wage increase, and the Department of Labor announcing the upcoming changes to overtime exemption. These changes, along with organizational changes and occurrences, are enough to keep any HR person busy for at least 40 hours a week. The role of HR is suddenly becoming much more than it once was. 

The Change in Workplace ‘Norms’

First and foremost, let’s talk about how the workplace has changed. Over recent years we’ve seen more of a focus on employee wellness and programs that assist employees in not only being physically healthy, but mentally as well. Employers are now expected to do more for their people and encourage healthy, well-balanced lifestyles. As an HR Professional you are now responsible for implementing these programs and making sure all employees have access to the aid they need. 

Keeping Up With Regulations

Like I mentioned earlier, so much has changed in the past year alone with ACA, the DOL changes, and minimum wage, and it ultimately falls on the HR person to handle and inform the rest of the company about these modifications. While this heavy-lifting may not be exactly ideal, I do believe understanding the ‘tough’ topics and being able to help your fellow colleagues do the same makes you that much more valuable to your organization. 

Ongoing Certifications

I love the idea of HR certifications because what better way is there to keep up with the constant changes in the workplace? Certifications such as HRCI and SHRM are great ways to keep yourself up-to-date and knowledgeable in your area of expertise. While it can be costly and time consuming to complete these certifications, I think it aides in the balancing act of the many hats HR has come to wear. 

I think it’s more than safe to say the simple days of HR ‘policy pushing’ are long gone and we’re seeing HR take on a much more significant role. If you’re searching for ways to keep up on the ever changing world of HR, consider subscribing to our blog. We send out a monthly update to keep you informed on all things HR and payroll.