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What a Quality Onboarding Software can do to Streamline your Hiring Process

This post was updated in March 2020

It’s common knowledge that businesses should have a well-planned onboarding process in place to get their new hires acclimated to their jobs quickly and efficiently. In fact, last week we published a blog about the 8 Ways You Can Take Your Onboarding to the Next Level, which provides a lot of great ideas about how to improve the new hire experience within your organization. However, today I would like to dive into what an actual Onboarding software can do to revitalize your tired processes and make hiring new employees easier than ever. Now that technology is at the forefront of every successful business, the days of manual data entry and arduous hiring tasks are over. With Employee Self Service Onboarding, your new hires take charge of their own experience, saving you time and ensuring all paperwork is complete before their first day. If you don’t have an Onboarding software, here are the reasons you should consider making the switch:

Customize the Experience

Every company is different, so your hiring process should be unique to your business. A quality Onboarding software will let you customize the process so it adheres to your company standards. The software will allow you to personalize the email templates that are automatically sent to your new hires, upload company documents such as an employee handbook for them to sign-off on, and create custom tasks with a built-in checklist that will ensure all steps of the onboarding process are completed accurately and efficiently.

Complete Documents Online

Since one of the most important reasons for having an Onboarding Software is to save you precious time and minimize mistakes, why not let your new employees do most of the work? By allowing your new hires to complete all their employment documents electronically, you’ll let them take control of their Onboarding experience. Gone are the days of tracking down your new hires to get them to fill out the appropriate paperwork on time. Instead, the system will task out the employees automatically and walk them through the process. At Dominion, our intuitive software makes it so any information that doesn’t apply to the employee will not be displayed, so the process is streamlined on their end as well as yours.

Automate Your Processes

When you partner Onboarding with Payroll, Time & Attendance, and other HR Management software, the employee information entered into the system should be transferred automatically into those other areas. With Dominion, dual entry is something we make a point to avoid, so all employee information your new hire inputs will be automatically transferred into your payroll. What’s more, you can automate their direct deposit set up with the Payment Preference page, saving you yet another step in the hiring process.

If you're ready to streamline your hiring process with a quality Onboarding software, let us show you a personalized demo of how Dominion can save you time, minimize mistakes, and bring your employee experience to the next level.