Posts tagged Food and Beverage Industry
5 Ways the Food and Beverage Industry Can Benefit with Payroll and HR Software

Running a restaurant or bar is time-consuming, demanding and stressful. What if I told you a payroll and HR software can simplify your everyday HR tasks? I am in the marketing department at Dominion Systems, a payroll and HR SaaS (Software as a Service) company, but I also have about 10 years of experience working in the food and beverage industry. I’ve worked at multiple restaurant locations and received multiple promotions enabling me to work in different departments ranging from front of house positions, to marketing manager, to floor manager, allowing me to see many aspects of what goes into running a restaurant. I wanted to put my experience from both industries together to bring you value, which is why I’m going to share how a payroll and HR software can be valuable to your company in the food and beverage industry.

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