Posts tagged onboarding software
5 Ways the Food and Beverage Industry Can Benefit with Payroll and HR Software

Running a restaurant or bar is time-consuming, demanding and stressful. What if I told you a payroll and HR software can simplify your everyday HR tasks? I am in the marketing department at Dominion Systems, a payroll and HR SaaS (Software as a Service) company, but I also have about 10 years of experience working in the food and beverage industry. I’ve worked at multiple restaurant locations and received multiple promotions enabling me to work in different departments ranging from front of house positions, to marketing manager, to floor manager, allowing me to see many aspects of what goes into running a restaurant. I wanted to put my experience from both industries together to bring you value, which is why I’m going to share how a payroll and HR software can be valuable to your company in the food and beverage industry.

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3 Ways to Create a Bully-Free Workplace

Bullying has become more of a concern in the United States now more than ever. Videos have gone viral on social media, parents are suing schools, and not only is it affecting children and teenagers, but it also affects adults, especially in the workplace. As a matter of fact, a 2017 survey conducted by the Workplace Bullying Institute revealed that 60 million Americans are affected by bullying. So what exactly is workplace bullying? It refers to repeated actions that have the intent of intimidating, humiliating, or degrading, and are directed toward an employee. These actions may put the affected employee’s physical and emotional health at risk. Workplace bullies don’t simply intimidate their victims; their actions can range from spreading rumors around the office in order to harm their target’s reputation, avoid telling them about important meetings, hide their office supplies, or anything that will make their victim feel helpless or useless. Keep in mind that bullying is defined by the effect of the behavior, not just the intent.

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Tips for Building Your Onboarding Program

Finding the best talent has become one of the main challenges businesses have because the competition is growing larger and larger every day. Companies are attending career fairs, posting their job openings on LinkedIn, or even using social media to attract talent. So what do you do once you have attracted and hired talent? Reducing turnover should be a goal for every company, and one of the best ways of doing this is by making the first days for new hires as smooth and welcoming as possible. This is called Onboarding. Onboarding is intended to make new employees familiar with the company and to support them as they start working on their first handful of projects. The Onboarding process is a great way for companies to make a good first impression on their employees. Like mentioned before, the ultimate payoff of onboarding is reducing the company’s turnover rate. According to, research shows that a good onboarding program can boost retention by 50% and productivity by 54%. As simple as onboarding may sound, there are many aspects that are involved in the process, and planning is necessary to have a successful onboarding program. If you already have an onboarding program in your company but are looking to making it better, then you’ve come to the right place. The following are some tips you can utilize to build your onboarding program.

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4 Team Building Strategies Every Leader Should Implement

Building a great team requires great leadership. If you notice your team is not as productive as usual, they seem burnt out, they have a lack of motivation, or they seem distracted, then it is time to step up and implement some team-building strategies. There are many team-building strategies out there, but I would like to share four that I believe can help out every team leader.

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3 Common Mistakes You Should Avoid During Your Onboarding Process

When candidates are interviewing for a position within your company, they try their best to make a good first impression with you. Once you decide on a candidate and hire them, it becomes your turn to make a good impression on them. You can do this by creating a good onboarding process. There is a lot of research out there on tips to creating an effective onboarding process, but have you heard of the common mistakes people make? Here are a few mistakes you should avoid during the onboarding process.

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