Posts tagged bullying
3 Ways to Create a Bully-Free Workplace

Bullying has become more of a concern in the United States now more than ever. Videos have gone viral on social media, parents are suing schools, and not only is it affecting children and teenagers, but it also affects adults, especially in the workplace. As a matter of fact, a 2017 survey conducted by the Workplace Bullying Institute revealed that 60 million Americans are affected by bullying. So what exactly is workplace bullying? It refers to repeated actions that have the intent of intimidating, humiliating, or degrading, and are directed toward an employee. These actions may put the affected employee’s physical and emotional health at risk. Workplace bullies don’t simply intimidate their victims; their actions can range from spreading rumors around the office in order to harm their target’s reputation, avoid telling them about important meetings, hide their office supplies, or anything that will make their victim feel helpless or useless. Keep in mind that bullying is defined by the effect of the behavior, not just the intent.

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Dealing with Workplace Bullying

Some people think bullying stops when you’re out of high school , or college, but the truth is that it can occur in the workplace as well. The Workplace Bullying Institute surveyed people in 2010 and found that 35% of workers have experienced bullying firsthand [1]. So what is workplace bullying? It refers to repeated actions that have the intent of intimidating, humiliating, or degrading, and are directed towards an employee. These actions may put at risk the affected employee’s emotional health, and sometimes even their physical health. Not only do workplace bullies intimidate their victims, but they also may spread rumors around the workplace in order to harm their reputation, not tell them about an important meeting, hide their office supplies, or anything that will make their victim feel helpless or useless. If you are a victim of workplace bullying, or know about someone who is, here are some tips on how to deal with them.

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