Posts tagged GoPaperless
How to Prepare for Open Enrollment

Whether your open enrollment period is around the corner or further down the road, there are a few things you must do in order to prepare for it in order to have a smooth process. As you may already know, open enrollment can be a very stressful and hectic time of the year, not only for HR professionals, but also for employees. It is during this time when employees get handed paperwork that must be filled out before a certain date, and let’s be honest, not every employee will do this. So, is there an easier way to prepare yourself and your employees for open enrollment? The answer is yes.

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3 Common Mistakes You Should Avoid During Your Onboarding Process

When candidates are interviewing for a position within your company, they try their best to make a good first impression with you. Once you decide on a candidate and hire them, it becomes your turn to make a good impression on them. You can do this by creating a good onboarding process. There is a lot of research out there on tips to creating an effective onboarding process, but have you heard of the common mistakes people make? Here are a few mistakes you should avoid during the onboarding process.

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Four Reasons to Go Paperless Today

The debate surrounding whether or not businesses should go paperless has been going on for quite some time. There are obvious advantages to both sides of the issue, but if you’re still printing paper checks and reports I challenge you to consider your reasons. For some industries, it simply works better, particularly if your employees have to receive paper checks. But if you’re hesitant to go paperless because you’ve always done it this way, or because you don’t want the hassle of changing your current method of processing payroll, consider the following examples of how going paperless can save you more than just time and money.

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