Posts tagged Workplace Productivity
How to Establish a "Perfect" Time and Attendance Policy

Absenteeism in the workplace is a real issue and it has become a major problem over the past few years. There are three different types of absences that can potentially impact your business: scheduled, unscheduled, and partial shift absences. Scheduled absences consist of vacation or personal time, such as PTO. Unscheduled absences include sick days, disability, and Worker’s Compensation leave. Lastly, partial shift absences are when a worker arrives late at work, takes longer breaks than allowed, or leaves early. There are different causes for absenteeism, some an employer can control such as bullying and/or harassment in the workplace or employee burnout and there are others that cannot be controlled by an employer such as bad weather, childcare, or even job hunting. Whatever the case may be, employers should be aware of how often their employees are absent from work without a valid reason. Being proactive about managing attendance and talking to those employees that miss work often is a good start, but having a perfect (or almost perfect) time and attendance policy is imperative. If you don’t already have one in place or are thinking about making your current time and attendance policy better, consider the following.

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Tips to Help Your Employees Focus During Summer

Summer is finally here. Although we would all rather be at the beach or at the pool all day, most of us have to go to work. I sit by a window at work, so every day I look outside and wish I was out there enjoying the sun, but instead I have to sit at my desk and try to be productive. It is no secret that I am not the only one who struggles to stay productive during the summer, so what can managers do to encourage and help their employees stayed focused and productive at work?

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How Workplace Negativity is Killing Your Productivity

Workplace negativity can come in many different forms, but the impact is always the same; it stifles collaboration, creativity, and leaves employees feeling drained. Whether it is a colleague gossiping, or a manager talking down about company protocol, negativity in the workplace creates a culture of mistrust and can have a serious impact on your bottom line. Many times we react to situations that make us uncomfortable subconsciously. These reactions tend to come in the form of a nervous laugh, quick smile, or sometimes even an agreeing comment. Making a conscious effort to combat negativity is a great first step to making the issue less of a recurring theme in your work life. 

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