Posts tagged Productivity
The True Cost of Employee Turnover

As you move up in the business world, you come to expect unwelcome setbacks and challenges. One of the biggest problems you will probably face most often is when an employee decides to leave for one reason or another. Even if you work for a large corporation, an employee leaving can cause a much higher impact than you might expect. The absence of a single employee can create a ripple effect that spreads to every corner of your business. Today I’m going to break down how turnover affects your business and the actual price tag that comes with replacing your former employees.

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3 Signs to Spot When it Comes to Turnover

No matter how great a company is, or how fun the company culture is, turnover is inevitable. People leave companies for different reasons, and it is your job to spot unhappy employees before they decide to relocate, especially your top talent. Employee turnover is a major concern and for a good reason. It can be frustrating, time-consuming, and not to mention, expensive. When you hire a new employee, you have to onboard them, buy the necessary equipment, train them, and so on. This is why supervisors and managers have to be aware of the signs that show an employee is about to quit. If you are not paying attention to those signs, a situation like that can catch you at a bad time and leave you in a tight spot. Knowing the warning signs will help you spot those unhappy employees and do what is necessary to make them happy and stop them from quitting.

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3 Reasons Why You Should Offer Benefits to Your Employees

In the past, I’ve shared some tips on how to attract and retain top talent. One of the best ways to do so is by offering benefits. This means not only the required assistance by the government but also those that go beyond that. Some businesses offer benefits because of their state or federal laws such as social security taxes, worker’s compensation, disability insurance, leave benefits, and unemployment insurance. Yes, staying compliant is very important for every company, but going beyond that is what makes your company stand out from the rest. You are not the only company that is working hard to attract and retain top talent, which is why you should go the extra mile to stand out. The following are a few reasons why you should offer additional benefits to your employees.

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Tips to Help Your Employees Focus During Summer

Summer is finally here. Although we would all rather be at the beach or at the pool all day, most of us have to go to work. I sit by a window at work, so every day I look outside and wish I was out there enjoying the sun, but instead I have to sit at my desk and try to be productive. It is no secret that I am not the only one who struggles to stay productive during the summer, so what can managers do to encourage and help their employees stayed focused and productive at work?

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The Costs of Absenteeism: What’s Killing Your Bottom Line?

There are going to be days where weather, traffic, or alarm clock mishaps cause your employees to be late to work. While these may be innocent and even justified reasons for absenteeism, few managers truly understand the effect it has on their company. Regardless of the reason for your employee’s unexcused absence, there are direct and indirect costs associated with the problem. 

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5 Habits for Achieving a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Juggling both your professional and personal life can seem near impossible most days. It seems like there is never enough hours in a day to complete all you’ve set out to do. Just when all of your hard work and focus starts to pay off you feel the other parts that were neglected start to close in on you. So how can you have it all? What is the secret to a healthy work/life balance that we all strive to obtain? Implementing these seven habits will make the struggle much easier:

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How To Stay Motivated At Work

Getting motivated can be difficult, but keeping that motivation is even harder. When work becomes routine, staying excited about what you produce or assist with will start to feel draining. Staying enthusiastic and productive throughout the week requires effort on your part to have the motivation to do so. Here are some suggestions to help you get started:

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The True Cost of Company Turnover

There will always be unexpected challenges that arise in the business world, and CEO’s and business owners should always be prepared for difficult times, but when a high amount of your employees are jumping ship at a pretty consistent basis – that’s something you should get concerned about. While people will typically have different reasons for leaving a company, (many times for external reasons,) the cost of employee turnover has more impact than you would think.

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