Posts tagged performance reviews
Identifying Employee Performance

Every workplace has at least one person who is always on time, takes direction well, is willing to help out whenever they are needed, and get the job done right. These are the employees that you want to keep around. As an employer, supervisor, or manager, it is your duty to identify and nurture these employees in order to grow your business. By properly identifying high-quality employees, you can reduce dropout rates. Here are some attributes that high-qualities employees posses; read them over and take the time to identify who in your company has some, if not all of these characteristics. 

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5 Myths about Performance Reviews

Performance reviews are one of the most misunderstood, and often wasted, part of a person’s job. People imagine walking into a coliseum of stress and ridicule, with a chance they’ll be let go by the end of it. And yeah, I’m sure a bunch of companies still run their reviews like that and it’s to their detriment because they could be so much more. 

Performance reviews should be civil, informative, energizing, positive, and constructive but myths and horror stories have given them a bad name. Here are five myths and why they aren’t (or shouldn’t be) true. 

Myth 1 - They only have to take place once a year

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