Posts tagged Office Culture
5 Tips to Attract and Retain the Best Talent

Recruiting nowadays has become rather difficult. Applicants are very picky when applying to companies as they want the process to be as smooth and easy as possible. Usually, if the application process involves writing a cover letter, creating a profile, or anything other than just filling out a simple application form and submitting a resume, they skip it and move on to the next. These are probably the people you would not want to have working in your company. When a good applicant is searching for a new job and is fully committed to landing one, they will do whatever it takes to stand out from the rest of the applicants and get a job offer. These are the people you want to hire and keep in your company. However, that doesn’t mean your applicants should be jumping through hoops in order to apply. Even the most dedicated candidates can easily get turned off by a poorly designed application process. The following are just a few tips you can follow in order to attract and retain the best talent.

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Ways to Encourage Employees to Have Work-Life Balance

Promoting a healthy work-life balance is very important. Lately, work-life balance has become a buzzword among corporations and small businesses alike. Work-life balance is being able to juggle workplace stress with other daily pressures and responsibilities, such as family, friends, and one’s self. Our schedules are getting busier and busier, so it is important that we are able to save time for ourselves, our friends, and our family. According to, nowadays employees are demanding more control over their lives and a bigger say in the structure of their jobs. Companies are now emphasizing work-life balance in their job descriptions in order to attract talent since it is becoming more and more important for people.

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Giving Back to Your Employees This Holiday Season

It’s official, Halloween is over and we are on our way to Thanksgiving; a holiday made up of family and friends who come together to pay thanks to one another for the moments they share throughout the year. This is a time of thoughtfulness and taking note of the kindness and sacrifice of others. While this holiday is usually reserved for those closest to us, we can go one step further and remember the people who fill our lives for 40+ hours during the week. You know who I’m talking about - the ones who pick up the slack when we’re under the weather; the ones who go the extra mile to make sure we have what we need to get the job done; and even the ones who simply provide encouragement when it’s needed. Let’s not forget those individuals who have been so crucial to our success.

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