Posts tagged Tax Filing
Do You Know The Right Lookback Period For Your Organization?

The world of tax law and payroll regulations is a complicated one. Managing pay periods, calculating overtime, and staying current on the latest procedures is no easy task. One critical component of tax law regulation your business needs to comply to is the lookback period. The lookback period is a complicated affair, but in general terms, a lookback period is a determined length of time the IRS uses to make sure your previous tax filings are correct. The status of your business will determine the length and filing type of your particular lookback period. Let’s take a look at a few common examples to better understand this component of tax law.

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Keeping Up With Compliance: What HR & Payroll Professionals Need to Know

First things first, compliance is everything in the back office. Whether you’re running the payroll, tracking employee hours, calculating who is eligible for ACA, or what have you, the key to success is making sure all your ducks are in a row. Issues with compliance can lead to hefty fines and working backward to correct what has been wronged. All-in-all, it should be avoided at all costs and with the help of a few tools, it can be for the most part. Even the most seasoned HR and payroll professionals can find themselves with a penalty due to error. 

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