Posts in Payroll
Reporting Income Taxes for Nonresidents in the U.S.

If you’re new to the payroll industry or have recently started working with a company that has employees who are not U.S. citizens, it is important to know that there are a number of things you have to remember in regards to income tax withholdings. The first thing you’ll want to do is identify all non-citizens on your company's payroll and divide those people into residents and non-residents. You can find instructions on how to do this by using the Internal Revenue Code Section 7701(b) or by a tax treaty.

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3 Tips to Help You Schedule Your Employees

How many employees do you manage? Do you have a hard time creating schedules to make everyone happy?Your employees might be juggling school, families, additional jobs, and other things that they are trying to fit into their schedule. As a manager, it is your job to create a schedule that not only works for you but also your employees. Although it can be hard to achieve the perfect schedule, it is possible. Whether you use a scheduling app or stick to the old pen and paper method, there are tips that can help make scheduling easier for both you and your employees.

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Timesheet Rounding: Why You Shouldn't Round Employee Punches

Is your organization still rounding employee punches to the nearest 15-minute mark on timesheets? Do you allow employees to manually enter their time on a time card or spreadsheet, resulting in estimations and approximations? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you’re likely paying much more for employee wages, overtime, and lost productivity each and every pay period. With the technology and affordable tools available today, you will want to strongly consider using an automated online time and attendance platform that will conveniently track employee time to the exact minute (no more rounding), eliminating countless hours of overpaid minutes.

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3 Unexpected Reasons Why You Should Shop for Payroll During the Holidays

Are you happy with your payroll process? Whether you’re using a software as a service, a CPA, processing through your bank, or run in house, do you find you’ve had a lot of issues with your procedures? Have you thought about looking elsewhere? If so, now is the time to do so. I know, how could I say that if year-end is so busy already? If you’re not currently considering shopping payroll providers, you should think again. Why you ask? Well, the holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year when it comes to shopping. If you are already spending time shopping for gifts for your friends and family, why not shop for your business as well? After all, it is because of your business that you are able to purchase those gifts for family and friends, so why not do your best to improve it? If you have not changed your mind about shopping for payroll now, then you should read on.

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4 Steps to Shopping for Quality Payroll Software

At the end of the day, virtually every business requires the use of some sort of payroll software. Whether your business has one employee or thousands, it’s important to have the tools necessary to administer payroll and ensure your business is staying in compliance with tax withholdings. Your method of processing payroll can range from doing it in-house, using a CPA, or by using a payroll provider.

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4 Key Features Your Time and Attendance Software Should Have

In today’s technology-ridden business world, you can’t throw a stone without hitting a dozen different software-as-a-service options that are designed to make your life easier and increase efficiency in the office. With that being the case, how do you sort out the quality services from the bad? Well, it takes a lot of research, which I imagine is why you’re here. Today we’re going to look at what features make a quality Time and Attendance software. But first, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page. Put simply, Time and Attendance software allows you to track and calculate employee time. The specifics behind this can vary widely, as some timekeeping software will sync with your payroll, others will keep you in compliance with overtime requirements, etc. However, there are four primary features that every Time and Attendance software should have: The ability to set up rounding rules and exceptions, simplified scheduling options, informed reporting, and employee self-service. With these four features at your disposal, you’ll be ready to revamp your timekeeping process and simplify your daily workload.

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4 Reasons Cloud-Based Payroll is Good for Small Businesses

As a small, privately owned business, we at Dominion understand all too well that if you want to expand your reach and grow financially, it is vital to have smooth and efficient processes in place. These processes can range from onboarding to employee retention to internal trainings, and of course, payroll. These processes have to be streamlined if you want your product or service to run smooth. The faster a business grows, the more problems come along, including data security, remote access, and having sufficient backup data. These are all concerns that business owners have to constantly be thinking about.

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3 Common Mistakes You Should Avoid During Your Onboarding Process

When candidates are interviewing for a position within your company, they try their best to make a good first impression with you. Once you decide on a candidate and hire them, it becomes your turn to make a good impression on them. You can do this by creating a good onboarding process. There is a lot of research out there on tips to creating an effective onboarding process, but have you heard of the common mistakes people make? Here are a few mistakes you should avoid during the onboarding process.

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