Posts in Human Resources
4 Software Tools Every Successful Business Should Have

There are a number of factors that contribute to a truly successful business, which is why it’s important to re-evaluate your processes from time to time. You know all too well how important it is to keep paperwork organized, track your employee’s time and attendance, maintain constant communication, and measure the success of your organization, all the while ensuring your clients are happy and satisfied with the product or services they receive. However, you don’t have to do this all on your own.

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How to Establish a "Perfect" Time and Attendance Policy

Absenteeism in the workplace is a real issue and it has become a major problem over the past few years. There are three different types of absences that can potentially impact your business: scheduled, unscheduled, and partial shift absences. Scheduled absences consist of vacation or personal time, such as PTO. Unscheduled absences include sick days, disability, and Worker’s Compensation leave. Lastly, partial shift absences are when a worker arrives late at work, takes longer breaks than allowed, or leaves early. There are different causes for absenteeism, some an employer can control such as bullying and/or harassment in the workplace or employee burnout and there are others that cannot be controlled by an employer such as bad weather, childcare, or even job hunting. Whatever the case may be, employers should be aware of how often their employees are absent from work without a valid reason. Being proactive about managing attendance and talking to those employees that miss work often is a good start, but having a perfect (or almost perfect) time and attendance policy is imperative. If you don’t already have one in place or are thinking about making your current time and attendance policy better, consider the following.

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4 Reasons Your Company Should Hold Off-Site Gatherings

Within the marketing department here at Dominion Systems, we make a point to get off-site from time to time. Whether it’s to drive across state to attend a Hubspot User Group or just down the road to our favorite coffee shop, we understand the importance of getting a change of scenery every once in a while. As a company, however, this can be pretty difficult to manage. After all, many of the departments within our organization have to be on site in order to run on all cylinders. That being said, we manage to get everyone from the company off-site whenever possible. For example, every year we throw a huge holiday party to celebrate the hard work we do during year-end. We also get each department to go out on a “department outing” over the summer months. Whether it’s a day spent on the lake or on the golf course, this is a great way to get some fresh air and not feel cooped up over the summer months. Whenever one department is out for the day, everyone else is happy to step in to make sure nothing falls through the cracks.

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Tips and Tools Every HR Professional Should Know About

Tips and Tools Every HR Professional Should Know About:

  1. Recruiting | Applicant Tracking System

  2. Retention | Onboarding Software

  3. Payroll | Online Payroll Software

  4. Time & Attendance | Time &  Attendance Software

Did you just open a new business? Perhaps you just started a new role at a company in the HR department. Whatever the case may be, it is a known fact that any HR role comes with a lot of stress and time-consuming tasks such as recruiting, onboarding, compensating employees, approving time off requests, maintaining policies and records, ensuring compliance, handling employee concerns and so on. All these tasks are important and there is no way around them, but luckily, there are ways to make those tasks easier and streamline your processes.

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The True Cost of Employee Turnover

As you move up in the business world, you come to expect unwelcome setbacks and challenges. One of the biggest problems you will probably face most often is when an employee decides to leave for one reason or another. Even if you work for a large corporation, an employee leaving can cause a much higher impact than you might expect. The absence of a single employee can create a ripple effect that spreads to every corner of your business. Today I’m going to break down how turnover affects your business and the actual price tag that comes with replacing your former employees.

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How A New Hire Survey Can Improve Your Hiring Process

In your career, and in life in general, you’re probably consistently asked to provide feedback, which enables continuous improvement. As an HR professional, it’s your job to make your organization as valuable and efficient as possible, starting with your HR processes. In order to continuously improve recruiting, hiring, and retaining employees among other tasks, feedback is needed. One of the best ways to get feedback is by asking your employees to fill out surveys. Surveys provide responses that are a product of personal experience or the vision of what someone would hope for, giving valuable insight on making something better. That is why a new hire survey would be valuable in providing feedback for making the onboarding process, new hire program, and the work environment as effective as possible.

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How to Add Structure to Your Hiring Process

The hiring process is not an easy task. Not only is it time-consuming, but companies sometimes invest a lot of money during this process. This is why it needs to have structure. There is no perfect way to find the most qualified candidate to fill a position within your company; luckily, there are some tips and tricks that will help you streamline that process, make your job easier and more efficient, and even save you money in the long run!

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